In this Hidden Brain, NPR examines what happens when half the population gets the message that needing others is a sign of weakness and that being vulnerable is unmanly. Please listen here.
Boys and Men in America
What does it mean to grow up as a boy in America with the fear and pressure to act a certain way? Child psychologist, Michael Thompson, co-author of Raising Cain: The Emotional Life Of Boys discusses here.
“Man Up”: How A Fear Of Appearing Feminine Restricts Men, And Affects Us All
Hidden Brian examines the existing definition of “masculinity.” They speak to a man who works in a field often considered “women’s work” and a researcher who manhood is “hard to earn and easy to lose.” Hear it here.
Man Up: How a Fear of Appearing Feminine Restricts Men, and Affects Us All.
The Psychological Forces Behind A Cultural Reckoning: Understanding #Metoo
Are sexual assault and harassment allegations being taken more seriously than in previous decades? Hidden Brain examines “why now?”, what has changed in our culture?
Please note, this story includes descriptions of sexual harassment and assault and may not be suitable for all listeners.
The Psychological Forces Behind A Cultural Reckoning: Understanding #Metoo
Why Friendships are Important for Boys’ Health
At our June 2017 summit, keynote speaker Niobe Way, discussed the great importance in supporting boys’ relationship. This article reinforces this and explains that boys’ friendships are not just fun but could lead to better health in adulthood. This article provides tips to parents on how to help children with their friendships.
Many Ways to Be a Girl, but One Way to Be a Boy: The New Gender Rules
In a new poll, girls say they feel empowered, except when it comes to being judged on how they look. Boys still feel they have to be strong, athletic and stoic. Claire Cain Miller examines how gender rules affect boys and girls in this NY Times article.
Many Ways to Be a Girl, but One Way to Be a Boy: The New Gender Rules
New Promundo Report Explores the Links Between Harmful Masculine Norms and 8 Forms of Violence
Rigid masculinity leads to numerous negative outcomes experienced by men and boys. In this report, Promundo explores the connection between masculine norms and violence.
Imagining a Better Boyhood
Have adults placed such narrow constraints on boyhood that there little room for boys to explore what it means for themselves? Sarah Rich examines these constraints in this Atlantic article.
Gun Violence Is Not An Act of Passion
In her latest post, DAME contributor Andrea Grimes confronts the media’s portrayals of the causes of boys’ violence. She writes, “…weaponized misogyny and male entitlement [are] the hallmarks of a culture of toxic masculinity that teaches boys and men that they are owed the time and bodies of girls and women… that boys will be boys, and girls will soothe and accommodate.”
What parents of boys should bear in mind about the ‘spurned’ Texas school shooter
In raising boys, we must help them – and the men they become – understand that girls and women do not exist in order to tend to the emotional and sexual needs of boys and men, and that such misguiding thinking contributes to domestic and sexual violence. Collectively, we must also call out media reports that normalize harmful gender norms, including when such reports absurdly place blame for school shootings on girls who say “No” to the unwanted sexual advances of boys.
What Parents of Boys Should Bear in Mind About the ‘Spurned’ Texas School Shooter