MERGE operates with two levels of trainers, Senior and Associate Trainers. Most programs are conducted with two trainers presenting the materials, one Senior Trainer and One Associate Trainer. MERGE for Equality offers Developing Healthy Boys Training for Early Childhood Educators, and we seek to add new Associate Trainers to our team.
Boys and Men as Partners for Advancing Gender Equality
Many Ways to Be a Girl, but One Way to Be a Boy: The New Gender Rules
In a new poll, girls say they feel empowered, except when it comes to being judged on how they look. Boys still feel they have to be strong, athletic and stoic. Claire Cain Miller examines how gender rules affect boys and girls in this NY Times article.
Many Ways to Be a Girl, but One Way to Be a Boy: The New Gender Rules
What parents of boys should bear in mind about the ‘spurned’ Texas school shooter
In raising boys, we must help them – and the men they become – understand that girls and women do not exist in order to tend to the emotional and sexual needs of boys and men, and that such misguiding thinking contributes to domestic and sexual violence. Collectively, we must also call out media reports that normalize harmful gender norms, including when such reports absurdly place blame for school shootings on girls who say “No” to the unwanted sexual advances of boys.
What Parents of Boys Should Bear in Mind About the ‘Spurned’ Texas School Shooter
#HealthyMenandBoysSummit June 14, 2017 in Worcester, MA
Always the week before Father’s Day, you don’t want to miss the 4th Annual Summit: **Raising Emotionally and Socially Connected Boys: Exploring Intersections of Gender, Race and Trauma**