Tools and Videos
This page offers you resources and opportunities for action. Together, we are finding – and using – our collective voice for gender equality
The Suppression of Boy's Emotions. Do we want boys to suppress their connections to others or grow their connections with other? This video explores this question and how we can create space for more than one way to be a man.
The Mask You Live In, produced and directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, follows boys and young men as they struggle to stay true to themselves while negotiating America's narrow definition of masculinity
A Man Prayer
words by Eve Ensler
Film by Tony Stroebel
MenCare's mission is to support caring fathers. This video captures MenCare's most important messages, and will help raise the global visibility of millions of fathers who are making a positive difference.
"To Be a Man in 2017" written and performed by Eric and Anthony McGriff.
Read The Story of the Little Boy written by Steven Botkin
Dads Try the Still Face Experiment
Watch these babies go from feeling safe and happy to stressed and upset. What caused the shift?
Watch Megan Dowd Lambert using her Whole Book Approach, an interactive story time model centered on the picture book as a visual art form.
The video, “Finding Our Voice,” introduces the vision and aspiration of MERGE for Equality.
The MenCare Parental Leave Platform offers a policy framework for leaving gender inequality behind and for giving our children the care they need.
MERGE Executive Director John Engel writes about family leave: Fatherhood Journey | Daily Hampshire Gazette
The “State of America’s Fathers Report” notes the Involved fatherhood Revolution has the Power to advance Gender equality.
The MERGE Conversation Guide is a tool for expanding the conversation about gender equality.
Learn More
Promote involved fatherhood by reading and sharing this report with all who engage in relevant programming and policy work.
The ‘State of the World’s Fathers’ report is the world’s first report to provide a global view of the state of men’s contributions to parenting and caregiving.
Guante's response to the phase "man up"
A Guante poem dealing with what boys and young men are taught about what it means to be a man.
Tony Porter shares stories about his own past and encourages boys and men everywhere to break out of the "man box" in this Ted Talks video.